2021 Reflections: Permission to Pivot

I don’t usually post a yearly recap, but I feel a tug on my heart to share. I hope that sharing this information will encourage you and give you permission to pivot. To make necessary changes to grow and find joy in your everyday. 

It’ll come as no surprise that 2020 nearly brought my business to a halt. I entered 2021 in the same situation. Projects were scarce, but that balanced well with the demand of motherhood. My kiddos, first and fourth grade, were virtually learning, which meant I had to redirect their attention to the screen ALL DAY LONG. My days were centered around their well-being. I love being a mom and enjoyed the quality time and memories we were making, but I also missed my professional life. 

As school opened (hybrid model) and we fell into a more “regular” routine, I found the space to focus on my studio. My word of the year for 2021 was RESILIENCE, and I’m proud to say a resilient year it was!  

Below are my reflections from this past year.

Can you apply any of these strategies to your life/career?

Invest in yourself

I blocked time on my calendar to finish a few online courses that I had purchased but never completed and a few new courses aligned with my business goals. I was intentional about turning off any distractions and focusing on the lessons. I also IMPLETEMENTED what I had learned, and I’m already seeing ROI (Return On Investment)!

Whether you want to learn more about your industry, improve/learn a new skill set, or work on personal development goals, resources are available. What are you waiting for?


Try new things

Web design has always been something I wanted to try. I attempted two trial projects for friends/family. Lesson learned: I HATED IT. Web design will NOT be a service I offer with my Branding and Marketing Design Packages

So, what do you want to try? Go for it. What’s the worst that could happen? You’d hate it? Well, at least you’d know.  


Cut out what is not serving you well

I closed my hand lettering shop and donated my inventory. This was a tough one for me. I thought about it for months before taking action. As much as I loved it, the shop was not serving me (or my family) well. You can read more about it here. Hand lettering still has a special place in my heart. I still offer custom orders. I taught a workshop pre-covid and loved it! So, stay tuned… 

Is there anything sucking time/energy from your life? 

Be vulnerable

Surface Pattern Design (art licensing) has been on my radar for a few years. I’ve been creating artwork but not finalizing patterns or posting them. This year, I took the leap and announced this new adventure publicly. I’m honest in saying that I’m just figuring it out as I go. I’m a little nervous putting myself out there before I’m “ready,” but I feel a sense of accountability now. And motivation to have my work seen.

If you’re holding back on sharing your creativity, I highly recommend “Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon. All his books are great.

Establish/hold true to your Branding & Marketing

I’ve been in this industry for nearly 20 years but haven’t put much time into my own brand identity and marketing efforts. I relaunched my website in November. This overhaul included:

  • Ensuring my brand voice was heard throughout all content (friendly and knowledgeable)

  • Professional photography and on-brand graphics

  • Simple, user-friendly layout

Another marketing addition to Beth Anne’s Studio & Design Co was the launch of The Studio Newsletter. The focus of my newsletter is to educate my audience about what I do by featuring projects, giving tips and tricks, and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks. And a bonus freebie digital wallpaper calendar is available exclusively for my email friends. 

So, this is a topic that I love, obviously, since this is what I do. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to bounce any ideas around. If I can’t help you, I bet I can connect you with someone who can help you reach your huge goals. 

Revamp your processes

I evaluated everything I’ve worked on over the years and identified what projects I want to work on and clients I want to work with. Serving my clients well is very important to me. To ensure that my clients feel well taken care of, I’ve made a few changes in my business processes this past year.

  • I made the shift from “freelance designer” to a “design studio.”

  • I have categorized my Branding & Marketing Design Services into three package offerings. 

  • I schedule clients for Design Days. This greatly benefits my clients as I can now focus 100% on their design needs and use my time efficiently. This also benefits me as I now have more control/clarity of my schedule.


Evaluating past projects by writing down what you liked/disliked is a great way to gain clarity and set new goals. 



This year, I am honored and so grateful to have served 23 awesome individuals, small businesses, corporations, and ad agencies. I genuinely adore all of you and can’t wait to continue our partnerships into 2022!


How will you celebrate your 2021 accomplishments?



Thank you so much for sharing this time with me.

I wish you the best of luck, growth, and new opportunities in 2022! 


My Go-To Online Hand Lettering Resources


Trading wood for paper